Covid-19 & HPC


As we continue to lovingly gather and exercise care and caution, the Session has determined that there are meaningful changes that can be made to our COVID safe practices:

As it pertains to indoor worship, For the foreseeable future, HPC will use the New Jersey Department of Health | Communicable Disease Service | COVID-19 Weekly Surveillance Reports to guide our decision making regarding the need for masking. When the Community Level is reported as “High” masks will be required indoors. 

As it pertains ministry meetings/new summer book groups/group space rental, chairs/leaders/renters are to reach out to each member individually to determine if they feel physically safe meeting in-person, in-doors, unmasked. If there is discomfort, solutions will be proposed on a case by case basis.

As it pertains to our employees, relax the masking requirement while they are working, but continue to encourage masking when greeting visitors.

As it pertains to the HPC building masks are not required for entering the building, but all are encouraged to have them on hand. Extras will be available at both the main entrances (office & welcome center).